December 10, 2024

Social Mobilization, Capacity Development and Advocacy

PTYSM applied, mobilized, and made a capable community by executing leadership development, group management, and effective communication methodology, transformative education training/program for the vulnerable and marginal groups of the VDCs. In which, they are able to plan their interventions on the basis of their needs. Such as their right to natural resources (water, land, and forests), discrimination, violence, receiving services through service providers, etc. Practices related to DRR and CCA (drought-MUS, drip irrigation, hail/storm- plastic house, wind/storm, cholera-construction of toilets, changes for pots and pans, landslide-plantation, bioengineering, etc. have been carried out for the sustainable livelihood improvement of the community. Being a community-based social organization; PTYSM has the following action plans and programs for community development:

  • To assist in social groups formation and social money making
  • To plan and prepare several research and management-oriented programs for community development.
  • Women’s equation
  • Gender equation
  • Creating self-employment programs (i.e. Micro Enterprises, Income Generation Activities) by means of skill-oriented training, seminars, conferences, and workshops.
  • Prepare and launch programs effectively related to professional and semi-professional vegetable gardening, producing food crops, and cattle farming.
  • Launch public awareness actions and programs about environment protection, health, and sanitation.

Raise public consciousness by employing programs about maternal-child care, safe motherhood, family planning, and nutrition.